Gal gadot wonder woman 1984
Gal gadot wonder woman 1984

gal gadot wonder woman 1984

gal gadot wonder woman 1984

GADOT: This is how you can view the DNA of this movie.

gal gadot wonder woman 1984

And then when that becomes an easy thing to do and you're watching people of all genders and races up on the screen doing this and you're not thinking about it. That blows my mind because that's where it's super important to me that everybody is accessible to this movie. But he plays with the dolls just totally normally like when he's playing a fight scene, he's playing with the Wonder Woman and Hippolyta and Antiope dolls. I think if we can whole-hog stay behind that message and make those movies and those movies are a success… even the impact I see on my son who he's my son so he's rebellious he’s not that interested in pleasing me, so I catch him. Now the message that Wonder Woman is sending out into the world being about love and belief in characters and trying to make people better and she will fight if she has to fight, but she's actually about something else. When Gal and Kristen are major characters and it's not a phenomenon. I think that the real power is when we're not - we’re sort of talking about it, but when you're not even talking about it and so many of the characters are women. “Look, we're doing this, this is Wonder Woman,” and it was super clear what it was. JENKINS: The last time we did it, it was a very clear vocal version of it. If we have to choose, if it's something that can be done or it can be CGI, we'll go for the real version of it. I do have two stunt girls working with me because it is very extensive work and it's extremely physical and it's like superhero, like we're doing it for real. On that note, how much of the fights and the stunts did you do yourself?


Now finally we feel that it's getting closer and we can start and share some material from the movie with the world. There's something about our anticipation to share it with the world because it's been a long, incredible journey for us. That was really, really challenging for us in many different ways. So I was like, “Good for Usain Bolt I mean, this is wow, what a great talent.” But it was a lot of work and we've tried to make it our own, new, fresh, things that were never done before. GADOT: And then we had wires, rigs for kilometers, for miles, so I can run in the same speed that Usain Bolt ran in the Olympics. in Washington D.C., which was just for itself.

gal gadot wonder woman 1984

What I loved was instead of shooting in a stage and doing this green screen thing and then you're hoping for the best in the end, we literally flew all over the world and shot these incredible things which was a nightmare for. We got Cirque de Soleil to come and work with us. Wire work has come such a long way, but people aren't doing fights that way anymore. We have some of the most extensive, incredible wire work that nobody's ever done before because no one has ever tried. So, we did almost all of our stunts, our fights practically. Let's make a grand tentpole like they made in the ‘80s.’ So it's as if you - I want it to feel like you're seeing a movie in the ‘80s. But then the thing that excites me the most is we literally set out to do something that I may never get to do again, which is to say, ‘Let’s not make a movie that's funny “ha ha, the ‘80s”. So the story was - I knew exactly what I wanted it to be. First of all, the message of this movie is something that I deeply believe in and came to us while we were even working on the first movie. And this one.PATTY JENKINS: I think I'm super excited to finally get people to have a look at what we've been doing because there are two things I really care about. “Obviously the posters are different! I meant, like the style! A lot of time, with the sequel, you want to show the connection to the first one. “The posters, the music, everything.” She pauses, before cracking up. everything’s different,” interjects Gadot’s co-star Kristen Wiig, a newbie to the franchise, and comic-book blockbusters in general. “It really doesn’t feel like a sequel in that. But other than that, it’s a whole new world, and the era is different, and Diana is different, and the story is new.” I mean, the only thing that we share in both stories is probably, you know, the fact that it’s Diana Prince and also Steve Trevor. "So she’s been living for over six decades by herself, in man’s world, serving mankind and doing good. "We don’t pick up the story where we left it last, because it was 66 years ago," Gadot continues. By the time the sequel begins, Diana – who was last seen fighting in World War I – is a lot different.

Gal gadot wonder woman 1984